Climate Justice

Photo by USGS on Unsplash

I am a person who has a free and open mind.
And all I can think about is how Earth is being destroyed by humankind.
I am a person who has eyes that can see,
And all I witness is smoke flying through the air from burning trees.
I am a person who has skin that can tell,
And all I feel on this Earth is hotness like I am burning in hell.
I am a person who has hands that can hold,
And all I grasp are bushes of plastic that do not decompose.

As I go through living, I question many “whys”
But one thing is for sure, I still want to see birds that can fly in the future.
I still want to see vast forests, lakes, and undiscovered creatures.
I want to see the Earth live and breathe,
Earth is my home, and I would do anything to keep it

Norbert Mate

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